Growing in Faith

Loving God - Loving People - Living to Serve
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Who We Are

We are a congregation in the Lord’s church who desires to worship and serve using Biblical standards. We seek to do the entire will of the Father as manifested in the Scriptures. We believe in speaking where the Bible speaks and being silent when the Bible is silent.

We are non-instrumental and believe in God’s plan of salvation, including baptism. We are a very loving and family-oriented congregation. 

We are blessed to be a congregation made up of young families including many young children.

Our ultimate goal is to grow in spirit and truth.

Our Goal

 As a body of baptized believers, our goal is always to follow the New Testament pattern in name, in worship, in the organization of the church, and in every way. We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.

We believe that what we do during worship is done to please God.  No doubt, we will all be uplifted, inspired, and grow in our faith, but our primary purpose for gathering today is to please our Heavenly Father through our worship of Him as He has so designed.

Our songs, prayers, the Lord’s Supper, and our time of giving will be led by men who are members of this congregation. 


Our singing will be congregational singing and will also be sung a cappella, without the use of any instrument other than the voice, the natural instrument God has given us. Our songs will be songs of praise to God, songs that will motivate, inspire, and encourage us. 

The best part is it doesn’t matter if you have a good voice or not, it has always been about the heart of the one worshipping. We sing because He commanded that we should! 


The prayers that will be led will be prayers of thanksgiving but will also be prayers that petition God or make requests. We believe that the prayers we pray are prayed to God, through Jesus. Scripture teaches us that Jesus is our mediator and our advocate, so we acknowledge that by stating that we are praying in Jesus’ name. 

Lord's Supper

The Lord’s Supper is a time for us to reflect on Jesus’s death on the cross. We will be remembering His death, burial and His resurrection by partaking of the fruit of the vine and the unleavened bread. We do this weekly as the Scriptures teach us. 


We will also have an opportunity to give of our means, through our contribution. We see numerous examples of this in the New Testament. We read of New Testament Christians giving a free-will offering, that was planned ahead of time, given cheerfully and yet, sacrificially.

We give because He gave everything. Everything we own is a blessing from God. We are just temporary stewards of these material possessions. We give because we are blessed! 


Each week we will be preaching a sermon from the Bible. It will be Bible based and numerous biblical Scripture references will be used to help us understand that the words are not just the words of a man, but God’s Words based on God’s Will for us. 

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